Service Summary

Two factors put your customer experience under pressure. 1) Customer expectations forever change. 2) As organisations grow, they divide into specialist teams (aka functions). These factors challenge your team and change the experience you deliver. While we offer CX Projects to boost Customer Experience, one off changes eventually become obsolete. So, we recommend clients embrace Customer Experience as a way of working, thinking and being.

Typical Benefits

  • Continuous improvement of your Customer Experience.
  • The ability to respond to and even predict changes in customer needs and perception.
  • Greater resilience in future events with the ability to adapt to changes in external factors.
  • The cultural benefits of customer centricity such as enhanced employee engagement.


First, we assess the way you manage Customer Experience. Our benchmark is a set of proven good practices from many industries and countries. During the assessment we engage and understand stakeholders. [What to expect]

Then we will agree opportunities to improve Customer Experience Management. This will give you a clear vision and supporting processes and systems. We will ensure you can continuously improve and respond to events. [What to expect]

We use Change and Project Management to embed these ways of thinking into your culture.

In our last stage, we repeat the assessment and show the benefits of your sustainable CX practices.

Sustaining CX can include:

  • Building a customer vision (also called North Star or Customer Narrative) and a communications plan.
  • Developing and implementing a CX Strategy.
  • Change and Project Management.
  • Group and individual coaching.
  • Cross-functional teams to develop customer centred thinking.

Service Delivery Experts

Michelle Spaul

Our Requirements of You

Senior level commitment to provide resource and introduce changes.

Visible support, including two-way communications and resolution of concerns / risk.

Project governance and escalation – reporting of progress and support for your people.

Our Commitments to You

We will:

  • Build a Sustainable CX Practices which are right for your needs and skills
  • Coach staff in Customer Experience Management, and Change and Project Management.
  • Deliver an agreed scope of work, show benefits and document further opportunities.


An embedded way of working which supports sustainable business growth.

Available Service Engagement Models

*This service may be engaged via multiple engagement model options to provide maximum flexibility.

Network Units

Network Units enable complete flexibility around any engagement. When using Network Units, clients can swap and change delivery experts, scope and duration of engagements in a frictionless manner with very little notice, in line with the quantity of Network Units purchased. Network Units can be purchased in blocks of any size and at any time and are billed in full at point of purchase.

Project Based Engagement

Project based engagements operate on the basis of agreeing work and any outcomes or milestones for delivery in advance of commencement of any engagement in a ‘Statement of Work’. Prices are fixed for the agreed deliverables and should changes be required, these may incur changes to delivery costs. Payment for Project Based Engagements are agreed on a case-by-case basis, giving consideration to risk, contract value, client payment history, relationship longevity and duration.