Service Summary

IdeaAlchemy brings concepts to life, creating from initial idea into a fully operational proof-of-concept model, using research-backed methodologies to validate your vision, mitigate risks, and unlock investor interest

Typical Benefits

  1. Risk Mitigation: Early validation helps avoid costly errors down the line.
  2. Investor Appeal: A certified proof-of-concept amplifies your pitch to stakeholders.
  3. Market Alignment: Our research ensures your concept meets real-world demands.
  4. Agile Adaptation: Quick iterations facilitate market-ready solutions.
  5. Intellectual Clarity: A well-defined concept aids in IP processes.


  • Week 1: Discovery
    • Initial consultation
    • Scope definition
  • Weeks 2-3: Research & Analysis
    • Market research
    • Competitor analysis
  • Weeks 4-6: Development
    • MVP creation
    • User testing
  • Weeks 7-8: Refinement
    • Iteration
    • Final validation
  • Week 9: Certification & Handover
    • ConceptCertify Seal of Approval
    • Final deliverables

Service Delivery Outline

Our service, aimed at transforming your nascent idea into a fully validated concept, involves the following key steps and commitments:

1. Skillset Enhancement

  • Facilitate access to a diverse pool of experts and skillsets tailored to your project needs.

2. Role Clarity

  • Define clear responsibilities and capabilities to ensure flawless execution and delivery.

3. Innovation Funnel

  • Collaboratively identify, agree upon, and prioritise new ideas and opportunities for maximum business value.

4. Thought Leadership

  • Leverage various platforms to articulate, socialise, and garner support for your concepts, outcomes, and business cases.

5. Decision Confirmation

  • Provide robust validation and endorsement for your strategic decisions and approaches.

6. Initiative Roadmapping

  • Clarify dependencies and success criteria for each initiative within the project.

7. Swift Adaptability

  • Minimise delays in change implementation due to skills gaps or resource limitations.

8. Vision Precision

  • Eliminate ambiguity surrounding your project’s vision, goals, strategy, and roadmaps.

9. Gap Analysis

  • Assess weaknesses and capability gaps for targeted, feasible improvements in the project pipeline.

10. Predictive Performance

  • Lower uncertainty around performance metrics and timelines for effective delivery.

11. Hypothesis Acceleration

  • Reduce the time needed for proving concepts, formulating hypotheses, and crafting compelling business cases.

12. Agenda Alignment

  • Mitigate progress blockers arising from personal biases or structural agendas, ensuring smooth execution.

Our approach is designed to transcend conventional boundaries, offering you not just a service but a transformative experience in concept validation.

Our Requirements of You

  • Clear articulation of the initial concept needs or problem statement.
  • Access to potential end-users for research and testing.
  • Budget and resource constraints.
  • Availability for periodic consultations and reviews.

Our Commitments to You

We promise a rigorous, transparent process, complete confidentiality, and a relentless focus on turning your vision into a validated, investment-ready concept.


  • Comprehensive Research Report
  • MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
  • User Testing Feedback
  • Final Proof-of-Concept Model
  • IdeaAlchemy Certification

Available Service Engagement Model

Project Based Engagement

Project based engagements operate on the basis of agreeing work and any outcomes or milestones for delivery in advance of commencement of any engagement in a ‘Statement of Work’. Prices are fixed for the agreed deliverables and should changes be required, these may incur changes to delivery costs. Payment for Project Based Engagements are agreed on a case-by-case basis, giving consideration to risk, contract value, client payment history, relationship longevity and duration.

Focus In On: Responsible for Innovation

New Areas of Value:

Improved business agility and ability to rapidly respond to change and opportunity

Successful, timely delivery of evidence based transformative change

Fostering a human centric, transparent, trustworthy and agile culture

Increased credibility, confidence and influence across the business

More satisfied and engaged employees with increased retention and productivity

Viable, scalable and actionable roadmap to deliver innovation and change

Improvements around:

Lack of appropriate capabilities, skills, tools and methods

Inefficient or misaligned operating model and lack of business agility

Unclear business strategy and requirements

Disconnect between culture and future vision

Lack of clarity around the internal business ecosystem

Lack of customer insight

Misaligned goals across business and silos