Why the Chief Data Officer (CDO) role is Regressive & Dangerous

  CDO role: Regressive and Dangerous With big data comes a new corporate role, yet another executive seeking a seat at the tables of power. As more and more Chief Data Officers (CDO) get anointed, I can’t help but raise a caution flag for two reasons: first, the idea of managing enterprise data in a […]
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My Year of Living Paperlessly: From Magazines to Personal Learning Documents

I recently wrote the first in a series of posts about my attempt to turn 2015 into My Year of Living Paperlessly at iPhone Life.

I am trying to document what I’m doing as I take each step. This post focuses turning magazine pages into learning documents.

But let me step back first. I have, for years, kept files of magazine articles. Some of those have already been scanned by topic. I had files that went back to the early 80s. My ancient files on creativity and innovation are all digital now.

What is Digital Transformation?

I have seen several definitions of digital transformation floating are twitter of late. I thought I would document mine here:

“Digital transformation is the manifestation of strategy enabled by digital technology.”

Business models, policies and practices, branding, the use of space and the adoption of technology should all be driven by strategy.

2-Minute Advisory: Essential Software for Small Businesses

Essential Software for Small Businesses I was asked last week via Help a Reporter Out, to provide some thoughts on essential software for small businesses, along with some advice on operating systems. I thought I would share my entire note, not knowing if any of it will get used or when…

CES 2015 Counter-Hype: The Technology Trends that aren’t Trends

Not everything at CES 2015 will prove to be a profound forecast of future consumer acceptance. Some of the “trends” were not trends at all, but things that want to become trends. There were trends in things being shown, perhaps, like Smart Watches, but Smart Watches are not a trend. Watches are not a trend either. Telling time on a phone is.

Brevado – “Creating Products Synonymous with Better Customer Experience”

Like all great products or services, they solve a fundamental problem that meets a customer need, making lives simpler and easier in the process and in doing so creating better customer experiences. The Brevado team has done just that. Brevado is a relatively new and small tech start-up company born in the New York area in the Eastern United States. It was the brain child of three long-time friends, Nick Zafiropoulos, Steve Garofalo and Mike Perna….

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