The Twin Challenges of Collaboration and Productivity

During the eight years from 2005 to 2012, output per hour expanded at an annual rate of just 1.5 per cent—the same as it grew between 1973 and 1996. More recently, productivity growth has been lower still. In 2011, output per hour rose by a mere 0.6 per cent, according to the latest update from the Labor Department, and last year there was more of the same: an increase of just 0.7 per cent. In the last quarter of 2012, output per hour actually fell, at an annual rate of 1.9 per cent. Americans got less productive—or so the figures said.

Collaboration and Your Economic Graph

Jeff defined his Economic Graph as “a tool that can “digitally represent” both every economic opportunity in the world” and “every skill required to gain those opportunities.” Combined with a database of “a professional profile of every worker in the world,” this theoretical tool would not only provide job-seekers with potential career destinations, but also — and here’s the disruptive bit — give them a clear idea of how they might arrive at those destinations.”

Basics of Healthy Enterprise Relationships

Nothing can make an enterprise more profitable than healthy relationships. Relationships with customers, suppliers, regulatory agencies, etc. Most of what we see today, that is called “collaboration” is not really, is it people talking AT each other on line, trying to be heard and recognized, and I believe ultimately trying to connect.

Vision 2020: Connected Healthcare Technology

According to a recent TokBox white paper, Beyond E-health Embedded Communications in Healthcare, a combination of factors will drastically change how healthcare is delivered over the next 5 years.

The growing and ageing baby boomer population, who will live longer and require increasing medical support.
Physician shortages are currently forecast at 45,000 in the US and projected to be 90,000 by 2025.

Business Implications: iPad Pro, iPhone 6s and new Apple TV

A day after Apple made is September announcements, it is clear that they still hold THE technology leadership position. No company’s announcements create more buzz than Apple’s.The post Business Implications: iPad Pro, iPhone 6s and new Apple TV appeared first on Serious Insights.

Are Digital Marketers Missing A Trick?

The top three obstacles that marketers face in 2015 are apparently; New business development, quality of leads, keeping up to date with current marketing technology and trends. This is according to research conducted globally across 5000 marketing professionals.

Think Twice before Accepting a Google Gift: My Story of the The Google Chromecast Anniversary Gift That Never Gave

The Google Chromecast Anniversary Gift That Never Gave Yesterday I read that Google was offering a free movie, or $6 in credit (so I think) to celebrate with owners of Chromecast. So I went over to my Galaxy Tab S 8.4, connected to my Chromecast and went to offers. I was told I could not …
The post Think Twice before Accepting a Google Gift: My Story of the The Google Chromecast Anniversary Gift That Never Gave appeared first on Serious Insights.

Work Experience Design: Google May Get Work Wrong, But it is the Design Not The Open Office

I just saw an item from the Washington Post from last December titled: Google got it wrong. The open-office trend is destroying the workplace by Lindsey Kaufman. The article outlines her horrible experience at a New York ad agency that moved to an open office: lost productivity, judgement about personal routines and the daily experience of working as a member of a twelve person communal activity.

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