Service Summary

Data Warehousing, Management and Architecture

Typical Benefits

Better data management leads to optimised business performance. Experience working with multiple platforms into well structured data warehousing has given clients a return on investment of 500% or more, by reducing mistakes and man hours.


We typically spend a couple of days on site requirement gathering and embedding into the organisation, before generating a proposal for ways forward and moving onto building a solution in stages, with sign off at each point.

Our Requirements of You

We generally only ask that a few stakeholders are contactable and actively interested in the project.

Our Commitments to You

Our clients needs are at the forefront of every job we take on, the standard approach we take on has led to happy clients everytime.

Available Service Engagement Model

Project Based Engagement

Project based engagements operate on the basis of agreeing work and any outcomes or milestones for delivery in advance of commencement of any engagement in a ‘Statement of Work’. Prices are fixed for the agreed deliverables and should changes be required, these may incur changes to delivery costs. Payment for Project Based Engagements are agreed on a case-by-case basis, giving consideration to risk, contract value, client payment history, relationship longevity and duration.

Focus In On: Responsible for Data / CDO

New Areas of Value:

Improved staff productivity due to better access to the right data at the right time

Ability to benefit from real-time analytics

Improvements around:

Can’t get timely access to data to support the needs of business stakeholders

Difficulty combining multiple sources for one version of the truth

Proliferation of unauthorised and unmanaged data accumulation and silos

Poor master data management

Relevant Business Perspectives