The Situation

I led a Digital Transformation programme that transitioned 40+ markets to a new platform in just 5 months. The success of this endeavour was crucial as it underpinned our entire business revenue, amounting to a substantial $250 million.

The Task

A significant hurdle emerged when dealing with a particularly conservative client, exacerbated by a lingering history of mistrust between the two organisations. They were hesitant to adopt the rapid pace and heightened risk we proposed for the transition. Instead, they insisted on a more gradual 2-year timeline.

The Action / Approach

Faced with this challenge, I took a strategic approach to overcome the client’s reservations. First and foremost, I initiated early and open communication, addressing their concerns head-on. I dedicated time to actively listen to their apprehensions, namely related to consistent data quality, fostering a collaborative environment for mutual understanding.

Recognizing the need for compromise, I worked closely with the client in planning the transition, whilst retaining focus on the impact to the client. Transparency became the cornerstone of our interactions, with a clear delineation of red lines, setting expectations, and providing a thorough explanation of our intentions and rationale concerning the perceived risks and volatility.

The Result

Through meticulous planning, transparent communication, and a commitment to building trust, the transition was not only completed successfully within the original 5-month timeframe but also managed to convert the once-sceptical client into our most ardent advocate.

By exceeding their expectations and addressing their concerns, we not only delivered consistent data quality throughout the transition but also transformed a strained relationship into a partnership marked by trust and collaboration. This success story not only highlighted the effectiveness of the Digital Transformation program but also showcased the power of effective communication and relationship-building in navigating challenges and ensuring the triumph of innovation over resistance.

Focus In On: Responsible for Digital Business Transformation

New Areas of Value:

Increased credibility, confidence and influence across the business

Successful, timely delivery of evidence-based digital transformational outcomes; beyond digitisation

Improved business agility and ability to rapidly respond to change and opportunity

Driving a culture of innovation for easier and faster adoption of future digital trends

Creating a culture of involvement, empowerment and connection to the business

Better employer brand recognition from improved reputation and or culture

Improvements around:

Lack of transformation, change and agility mindset in leadership

Cynicism, lack of buy-in and resistance to change

Leaders mandating a change management and implementation approach that’s not appropriate to the organisation

Budget availability affected by external change drivers and uncertain resource estimates

Lack of availability of the right people at the right time across both business and technology areas

Lack of agreement of transformation governance and stakeholder understanding leading to a fragmented approach

Unclear and siloed business strategy leading to misaligned goals across the organisation that conflict with transformation

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