Code Club Field Report

I ran my first Code Club at my local primary school this week. IT WAS AWESOME!!! If you’re not already involved then I strongly recommend you get involved if you can. It’s a very rewarding experience. Here’s a quick summary of what happened: There were 11 kids in total – 7 girls and 4 boys, … »

Does Infrastructure Really Matter When it Comes to IT Security?

Yes, infrastructure absolutely does matter and has a profound and immediate impact on enterprise security. Server hardware (and the server operating systems and applications that run on them) form the bedrock upon which the performance, reliability and functionality of the entire infrastructure rests. Just as you wouldn’t want to build a house on quicksand, you […]

“Industry Best Practice” for requirements capture

It’s a tense atmosphere totally void of energy. Sixteen people crammed into a room for a requirements gathering workshop. All attendees are heads down staring intently at laptops with very occasional eye contact with each other. You could hear a pin drop if it wasn’t for the gentle hum of the air conditioning competing with the tippy … »

Customer Experience at the Board table: a voice, a vote or a veto?

Everyone seems agreed that, like the complaints department, in theory the real aim of an in-house customer experience team should be to do itself out of a role. I say that because if every decision made by an organisation strikes the right balance between what its customers value and what drives the corporate value, then […]

Emergent Architecture

Emergent or Evolutionary Architecture is a term I hear bandied around a fair bit but trying to pin down what exactly it is can be tricky. Let’s consider a “typical” project (and this is regardless of agile vs waterfall, etc, etc). There is an architect on the team (or next door or perhaps on a […]

Improvement Design, a way to make things better

Benefits Management in need of re-branding?
I needed a new job description because I don’t want to realise benefits anymore and I don’t want to manage change. Too many people think that Benefits are now the treats you give the staff so they will behave. Change is just making people do things differently. Frankly, I want to do something bigger than that…

Do aviation investors need better sight of the passenger experience?

This article, written by Jerry Angrave, first appeared in the BlueSky blog for Terrapinn ahead of the World Low Cost Airline Congress held in September 2013 There’s no doubt that airlines are having a tough time at the moment for reasons that are well documented.  And, in common with many other industries, it’s also fair […]

Business Benefits with Value

Picking ‘Good’ Benefits
Rather than concentrate on the methodology, this page describes the output of Benefits Management. The processes, tools and forms are there to help you produce good benefits. They are not ends in themselves. Instead of getting …

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