The Situation

The client; a medium-sized telecoms startup, needed a serious game to include in their leadership programme.

The Task

I was asked to come up with a proposal giving a range of implementation options to meet the learning brief, and then to work on the agreed option to create it as a fully-working ‘board game’ to be played either in either virtual or face-to-face workshops.

The Action / Approach

I created a proposal with four high-level outlines of games which would meet the learning objectives, presented these to the client, and then made the chosen option into a fully working game with all compnents, training their training staff to run it:

  • Created four options based on my knowledge of game mechanics and design, and in line with the learning objectives
  • Pitched the ideas and won agreement for the one they identified as the best fit
  • Implemented to high-level design as a fully-realised game with all components, playable via a Whiteboard app or physical version, inlcuding creating all assets and components, designing ruleset and mechanics, and playtesting and iterating design until complete
  • Trained their training staff to run the game for use in leadership programmes (and, post-project, advised internal staff on full digitisation of the game)

The Result

Enabled the leadership programme to contain a game that improved learning outcomes and learners satisfaction:

  • Organisation reported excellent feedback for learning game and the leadership programme
  • Client contact was extremely happy with the game and wants to fully digitise it and create a series

Focus In On: Responsible for Project and Programme Delivery

New Areas of Value:

Improved customer and colleague service and satisfaction

Relevant Skills

Relevant Business Perspectives

Relevant Industries