The Situation

Cisco’s uses scenarios to offer many different views of the future. Their technology adapts to fill needs in each future. The goal was to demonstrate how Cisco’s collaboration technology is adaptive to different futures.

The Task

Develop a set of scenarios that will drive customer imagination about the future of work (through the HR lens of what organizations will look like) and the role technology could play in those potential futures.

The Action / Approach

Replace this leading sentence with an intro into the things you did, if relevant including re-written versions of the bulleted lines below;

If you already had an entry for this ‘Actions’ field before this edit, you can still find the original text below and edit the best ‘Actions’ section you can by combining or refining the two. You must save this update after you make changes and delete this text!

  • What did you do to help… Enhanced cross-business collaboration, communication and buy in


  • Captured the uncertainties related to the future of work through primary and secondary research
  • Worked with a team to prioritize and select the most important and uncertain uncertainties from the list.
  • Crafted a set of scenario stories that offered four views for how organizations might evolve over the next decade.
  • Wrote a white paper that covered the stories and the methodology.
  • Developed and delivered a keynote at the Enterprise 2.0 conference on Organization Next.
  • Designed and ran a half-day workshop on Organization Next at the Enterprise 2.0 conference
  • Attended a book signing at the Cisco booth during Enterprise 2.0 that attracted several dozen attendees to the booth.
  • Wrote supporting blogs and social media posts about Organization Next.
  • Was interviewed by a Cisco product manager about the concept and conclusions of the scenario work.

The Result

Replace this leading sentence with an intro into the valuable results you actually delivered, ideally including re-written versions of the bulleted items below. Add a quantifyable figure where you can, even if it’s an estimate!

If you already had an entry for this ‘Results’ field before this edit, you can still find the original text below and edit the best ‘Results’ section you can by combining or refining the two. You must save this update after you make changes and delete this text!

Value was delivered by;

  • Improved business agility and ability to rapidly respond to change and opportunity

Pains relieved included;

  • Unclear business strategy and requirements
  • Lack of customer insight


Organization Next formed the core collaboration thought leadership go-to-market at Cisco for over a year.

The Enterprise 2.0 event attracted over 100 people to the workshop, and near 1,000 for the keynote.

The Enterprise 2.0 event was my primary hand-off point. I do not have internal Cisco numbers on the success of the campaign.

Focus In On: Responsible for Innovation

New Areas of Value:

Improved business agility and ability to rapidly respond to change and opportunity

Improvements around:

Unclear business strategy and requirements

Lack of customer insight

Relevant Business Perspectives
