After Agile

What does the Ideal software development organisation / business look like and work like? If our existing organisation / company / business was totally destroyed last night, what would we choose today in rebuilding it? What are the key concepts and principles that we would choose to focus on in creating our ideal organisation?

We’re All In This Together

Creating, sustaining and continually improving effective ways of New Product Development requires the efforts, commitment and active participation of everyone in the organisation. It’s not something that can be delegated, offloaded or left to just one department, function or silo.

The Healthful Alternative To Management

The Healthful Alternative To Management “Everything is a fiction.The only thing that really matters is which particular fictions we choose to believe.” Most businesses choose to believe in the fiction labelled “management”. They choose to believe that there is value in having people, most often called “managers”, “in charge” of other people, most often called…

Collaborative Change

If we believe in the Myth of Leadership, we may leave it up to the leaders to lead change. In collaborative organisations, where leadership is more distributed and diffuse, this can be a recipe for frustration, inaction and diffusion of effort

What If #6 – Agile Nirvana

Let’s assume, for one wonderful moment, that Agile has delivered on all its promises. 100%. For everyone that’s tried it. Everywhere. In all its infinite variety of hues and flavours.

The Cold Wet Nose Of Reality

If you’re in the business of supplying IT services, especially software and product development, to your clients, you may be getting uneasy (again). Agile software development, and its close cousin, DevOps, are the latest in a long line of approaches promising to solve the “software crisis”. And like the many approaches that have gone before, their faults are beginning to show, and the chickens are coming home to roost.

The Agile Enterprise Is A Thing But Not THE Thing

Many proponents of Agile in the field of software development suggest that the whole enterprise (company, firm, organisation, business) could benefit from adopting Agile – i.e. the principles set out in the Agile Manifesto – across the board. I suspect that most of these proponents have little to no clue about the realities of running a business.

The Shift

The Shift When it comes to transforming our organisations, good intentions will only get us to the starting line. The idea of “managing” change has largely failed us, yet we must find some means for effecting change if we are to realise our hopes for more effective organisations. For enhanced performance, sustained success and altogether better …Read More

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