The evolution of retrospecting

Many teams who use Agile practices run regular retrospectives (when was your last retrospective?!). However, these ceremonious gatherings often become stale pushing teams to look for alternative formats to fill their 2hr meeting.

Using your own metrics to self discover!

So one of the positive attributes I feel I’ve retained from my Project Management days is an instinct to capture information.

With how thick and fast information is thrown at us these days (certainly in my current career path) I always remind myself of the need to capture information that is ‘just enough’ or ‘barely sufficient’ to avoid waste, which is a reflection in myself of what I coach to people and teams.

Kanban from the Inside: 15. Economic approaches to flow

We’re at chapter 15 of Kanban from the Inside, on economic approaches to flow. This excerpt expands on the third of three principles of Real Options as identified by Chris Matts and Olav Maassen: Options have value, options expire, never commit early unless you know why.

Kanban from the Inside: 14. TPS and Lean

I really enjoyed writing this chapter! My goal was to illustrate the extent to which things can look radically different and yet share the same underlying principles and philosophy. The excerpt below comes after a description of a production line at Toyota; the “TPS” of the chapter title is the Toyota Production System.

In the pursuit of effectiveness

It’s probably worth starting by explaining where the three circles ideas came from. Most of it is born out of my frustrations of seeing too many attempts at Agile fail or become very hard work to the extent that Agile gets a bad name or teams adopt a “fragile” approach instead. In all client meetings … Continue reading →

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