KYC is primarily about decision making

Know Your Customer (KYC) is primarily about the decisions a financial institution needs to make about a (potential) customer. However, I have yet to find a definition online that focuses on decisions. Wikipedia’s definition focuses on the process, while Investopedia and The Free Dictionary place emphasis on the form that has to be completed. Although…

A Lasting Legacy or Eternal Damnation? Redemption is in the Clouds

In the business world many personal legacies are less memorable and more toxic, and deserve to be consigned to the Rip Off Rascals Hall of Shame. The Enron gang, Robert Maxwell and Fred Goodwin immediately come to mind. But there is one definition of legacy that many companies would probably also like to forget, but are reminded of every day by their customers and employees.This is their old and creaking technology defined in many dictionaries as “of, relating to, or being a previous or outdated computer system.”

Walking A Mile In The Shopper’s Shoes: IR Digital Design Conference

Last October, RSR published a benchmark report entitled Retail Growth Strategies in 2014 (sponsored by IBM and Oracle[1]), and it contained a surprising finding, that the overall response group rated “more physical stores in existing markets” than “more physical stores in new geographies” as “high value” opportunities, 61% vs. 54%. But as is typical in […]

Cybersecurity, Big Data on the Minds of Executives

On Feb. 10, the WSJ Journal Report CIO NETWORK section had a number of interesting interviews with executives after the previous week’s conference.

George F. Colony, chairman and chief executive of Forrester Research Inc., had this to share: “We’re in what we call ‘the Age of the Customer’, where the customer is now using technology to price precisely, to be able to critique your products precisely and publicly … and to be able to buy anywhere.”

The Job of the Customer Experience Manager

The need to improve customer experiences has been around since cavemen traded rocks for fish.  And as our understanding of complex customer experience issues has grown, so too have the opportunities for those moving into leadership and management roles. Having credibility to influence change is at the heart of the job.  But in reality, it can … Continue reading →

Test the pulse of your processes – and see if they are still alive!

Many processes are like automatons. They wake up in the morning, brush their teeth, take the train to work and start toiling . For four hours they check their emails, put out fires and curse the work they do. Then, finally, it’s time for a lunch break. They grab something to eat, read the latest news, check Facebook and begin to feel sad about going back for their afternoon session at work. They head back to the desk, work for four more hours, take the train home and watch TV until going to sleep.

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