Coaching Retrospectives – Starting off right!

As an Agile Coach, one of the key principles I teach teams is how they can benefit from meeting up regularly to discuss the way they are working. This principle is often referred to as ‘short feedback loops’.

There are a number of different ways the team can do this, but the one I want to write about in this post, is arguably the most common one; the team Retrospective.

Agile Pick n’ Mix

Going back a few years when I first read about Agile, I found plenty of content on a variety of topics online. Whilst I appreciated having such a volume of resources available, I can also remember it felt pretty overwhelming!

So… why brand myself?

Last Summer I did something that I’d been thinking about for a while. I left my permanent job role, set up my own limited company and decided to go contracting…

Benefits-Led Agile (WATCH)

(N.B These notes correlate with the slides from David’s drop-in session which can be viewed below) A strategic wrap around tactical Sprints Sprints begin with Product Owners describing their requirements and prioritising what gets done next. MoSCoW (must, should, could, won’t do) selection of what they want and the order they want it in sets…

Boosting Epitomy’s Team Productivity By 25%

Epitomy ( were trying to bring a new product to market. They understood the importance of testing through the development process, but still wanted to adopt some Agile practices to improve productivity on a per sprint basis.

Mike Burrows: Kanban from the Inside

HiveMind Expert Mike Burrows recently released a new book, Kanban from the Inside – An in-depth look at how managers of organisations can shift towards a culture of business agility and optimum quality, all whilst encouraging seamless flow. InfoQ spoke to Mike about the release of his new book…

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