The Situation

• Was engaged to provide governance oversight to a portfolio of projects.
• Projects were often poorly prepared for staged funding approvals.
• Delays to funding approval and hence delivery were common, and Internal Audit had recommended that this situation should be rectified.

The Task

• Was asked to put in place a framework to address the situation, and in doing so reduce costly delivery delays at a time when the organisational ability to fund these delays was severely constrained.

The Action / Approach

• Reviewed existing processes and PM artefacts, and integrated them together into a single process, for which I drew a process flow diagram.
• Created a check point review template to facilitate reviews and provide an indication of a project’s readiness to go forward for an incremental funding approval.
• Carried out gate reviews with project managers using this template, and pointed out to them areas where their approach would lead to funding rejection, or deferral of approval due to lack of information.
• Worked with project managers to improve the quality of their submissions to the investment decision board, using the review template as a guide.
• Created and delivered to training to the portfolio office team to enable them to use the approach on the projects within their purview.

The Result

• Using this approach, increased the proportion of incremental project funding being either approved or rejected on their first presentation to the investment decision board, as opposed to being deferred due to lack of information on which to make a decision.
• Consequently, improved speed of project pipeline management and in-flight project delivery whilst satisfying corporate financial governance requirements, and reducing unnecessary expense against the organisation’s constrained project delivery budget.

Focus In On: Responsible for Project and Programme Delivery

New Areas of Value:

Higher proportion of projects fit for purpose, on time and on budget

Greater acceptance of change – quicker to implement new changes

Improvements around:

Weak project prioritisation, approval, compliance and sponsorship

Poor project/portfolio pipeline planning and estimation process

Relevant Skills
