The Situation

A new member joined the HiveMind Network, feeling overwhelmed by the platform and unsure of how to make the most of their membership.

The Task

As a member care professional, our task was to guide and support the new member, helping them understand the platform, connect with relevant groups and individuals, and feel confident in their ability to contribute to the community.

The Action / Approach

We reached out to the new member with a warm welcome message and shared the booking link to our fortnightly onboarding call for new members. During the call, we provided a comprehensive overview of the platform, highlighting key features and resources. We also discussed the member’s professional background, interests, and goals to better understand their needs. Based on this information, we introduced them to relevant groups and connected them with like-minded members. Additionally, we shared tips on how to create a compelling profile and encouraged them to participate in upcoming events and discussions.

  • Improved confidence in and quality of materials
  • Make more informed decisions, quickly, objectively and transparently
  • Reduce facilitation burdens

The Result

The new member felt more at ease and confident in navigating the platform. They actively engaged in group discussions, attended events, and collaborated on projects with other members. Their satisfaction with the HiveMind Network increased, and they became an active contributor to the community, sharing their expertise and benefiting from the collective knowledge of others.

  • Improved relationships with suppliers and partners
  • Improved project success rates and delivery times
  • Improved reputation, relationships, confidence and value delivered across the busines

Focus In On: Responsible for Developing or Implementing a Sourcing Strategy

New Areas of Value:

Improved relationships with suppliers and partners

Improved project success rates and delivery times

Improved reputation, relationships, confidence and value delivered across the business

Improvements around:

Lack of available skills & experience

Relevant Business Perspectives

Relevant Industries
