Hosting a Face to Face meet up
Service Summary
Helping experts from the network organise and host a face to face meetup
Typical Benefits
Primarily a social get together and a way to find out more about what’s happening and upcoming in the Network and get to know each other a bit more!
– Meet other HiveMinders in an informal setting (pub), grow your network / make connections
– Find out where and how to make the most of the network
– Catchup on news around opportunities, prospects, services and resources
– Make new friends and meet some old ones
– Get more involved and engaged with your network
If we are provided around 2 weeks or more, we should be able to round up and communicate to experts in the meet up area about the event.
Location booked
Experts in the area contacted
Marketing to promote on LinkedIn
Available Service Engagement Model
Project Based Engagement
Project based engagements operate on the basis of agreeing work and any outcomes or milestones for delivery in advance of commencement of any engagement in a ‘Statement of Work’. Prices are fixed for the agreed deliverables and should changes be required, these may incur changes to delivery costs. Payment for Project Based Engagements are agreed on a case-by-case basis, giving consideration to risk, contract value, client payment history, relationship longevity and duration.