Strengths Balancing for SoloPreneurs

a conversation with Amy King & Polly Chandler  Our wtf collaborators Amy King, Brand Strategist & Polly Chandler, Strengths-Based Leadership Development Coach sat down for a mini coaching session with Polly on Amy’s current leadership challenges in her business. They offered to share the experience with our readers in the hopes that it empowers you […]

Is your digital transformation truly transformative?

Caz and I are digital transformation consultants. We have had lots of experience at NixonMcinnes, of writing strategies and helping organisations to develop new mindsets for the 21st century. We have worked hard internally in organisations to help them adjust to the challenges of a disrupted, digital marketplace.

What we noticed was that no one really seemed (seems?) to have a handle on what digital transformation entailed, and for many it just meant doing the same stuff as always but on mobile, cloud or tablet.

20 lessons from the frontline of social customer service

Over the last few years I have helped a wide variety of organisations to embed best in class social media customer service. From hugely risk averse and heavily regulated financial service organisations, to stiff upper-lipped government departments with global responsibility for citizen safety through to fmcg cereal and shampoo carelines, they have all required different solutions. However, setting up and delivering, best in class social customer service does require some core elements, so I thought it would be useful to distill this experience to give my 20 learnings from the frontline of social customer service.

All You Need Is Likes

I received a newsletter this morning from my friend Stewart Levine ofResolution Works. One of his recommendations was to watch a video that had appeared on PBS’ Frontline in February of 2014: Generation Like.

Are Digital Marketers Missing A Trick?

The top three obstacles that marketers face in 2015 are apparently; New business development, quality of leads, keeping up to date with current marketing technology and trends. This is according to research conducted globally across 5000 marketing professionals.

Revisiting Social Customer Care

While sitting on a United flight recently, I watched their new preflight video about their use of social media for interacting with customers and providing support. I chuckled to myself because I’m constantly slamming United on twitter for their lack of responsiveness on social media when it comes to customer care. Even though United isn’t exactly the poster child for how to do social customer care, the fact that they included this subject in their pre-flight video demonstrates its importance.