Antimatter And Deming’s 95/5

I note a distinct schism in business, with one camp which utterly rejects Deming’s 95/5, and another camp which wholly embraces the idea. Few sit on the fence, and pretty much never the twain shall meet.

What If #1 – No Management

What If #1 – No Management What if an organisation had the insight, the courage, the sheer chutzpah to move away from the traditional management hierarchy to some other form of organisational structure – e.g. without hierarchy, and without managers? What might we reasonably expect to happen? “If a factory is torn down but the rationality …Read More

Change Readiness: DVF > R

Why don’t some people want to change? Even when ‘we’ know things can be improved, often dramatically, we still seem to puzzle with those that seem less enthused. And of course, we never truly know what drives the behaviours, unless they tell us. But that doesn’t happen particularly often in the work environment. So, what can we do?

Shine Some Light Into Your Outsourcing Box

I listened to BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme a while ago. It included some criticism of the UK Government’s ‘black-box’ approach to outsourcing within its Welfare-to-Work programme; where outsourced service providers are paid by results. Whilst no doubt some political points were being made, the claim was that the lack of scrutiny of how the outsourced service providers were performing their work resulted in unemployed people being pressured into self-employment, even when their enterprise was doomed to failure. Short term results or outcomes are achieved, but the underlying problem is not addressed.

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