Strategy in a time of disruptive change

I have worked with some of the worlds largest organisations, and have found that managing sudden pervasive change, or disruption as I prefer to call it, is one of the things for which most companies are least prepared. This should seem counter-intuitive because in order to have survived and become big, at least in theory, a company needs to have started by being disruptive.

Is there expanding role for CTO’s in the digital boardroom?

It seems like an age ago but soon after I joined Forrester Research in 2006 I noticed something odd. My job then was the personal advisor to leaders of technology organisations. I helped them make use of the research that Forrester published. What I noticed early on was that there was a strong theme about the role of the CIO, but the CTO was hardly ever mentioned.

What Leaders Can Learn From Playing Video Games: Mentoring

Angry Birds players rack up high scores from exhibiting the most destructive of behaviors. In the world of management, however, it is important to think about the young birds, before they become angry, and how to help them find their place. How can you help them prosper? How can you apply mentoring to help them test and master …
The post What Leaders Can Learn From Playing Video Games: Mentoring appeared first on Serious Insights.

Of course you are ready for Digital

It is estimated that 70% of companies are ready for digital? Really? I doubt it. Having studied disruption including digital disruption for the past year I am very aware that it is a business issue. Having worked with CIO’s for the past decade I also know that IT is not paid to sort out business issues on its own.

Kanban from the Inside: 17. Smaller Models

The Triad is a very simple model of collaboration and collaborative leadership that has been practiced deliberately in a surprising variety of places. Thanks to Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization, the book by Dave Logan, John King, and Halee Fischer-Wright, we understand its applicability to corporate and community life. Triads appear in some churches in the form of prayer triplets (my wife, Sharon, has been a member of several of these); the model was even practiced by the KGB!

Strategies Guaranteed to Increase Your Productivity

Have you ever felt exhausted at the end of the day, knowing you worked your butt off and yet wondering what the heck you actually accomplished or, worse yet, wondering why nothing has been crossed off your “to do” list? It’s frustrating to say the least. Here are seven strategies guaranteed to increase your productivity…

Kanban from the Inside: 14. TPS and Lean

I really enjoyed writing this chapter! My goal was to illustrate the extent to which things can look radically different and yet share the same underlying principles and philosophy. The excerpt below comes after a description of a production line at Toyota; the “TPS” of the chapter title is the Toyota Production System.

Kanban from the Inside: 11. Systems Thinking, Complexity, and the Learning Organization

Earlier chapters have made it clear that the Kanban Method leaves room for interpretation. This is a strength. It is articulated sufficiently clearly for a community to rally around it, yet it is applied with sufficient diversity that its community continues to learn, to develop lower-level practices, and to share experiences. It is satisfying to observe that the Kanban community itself demonstrates in some measure all five of Senge’s characteristics of the Learning Organization.

A Process of Knowledge Discovery

Creative knowledge work is a process of knowledge discovery. You might say that this statement goes a long way to define creative knowledge work and let the rest be left the imagination, but there is still plenty to be said about the process of knowledge discovery.

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