Service Summary

Detailed user experience analysis & assessment providing actionable insights.


  • Guided to a greater position of influence supported by improved sponsorship
  • Identified critical areas of value and opportunities to exploit them
  • Refined definition of current state, desired future state, and how to get there
  • Facilitate better alignment to business strategy and plan
  • Avoid project stoppages due to lack of senior buy-in
  • Reduce complexity and create simplicity
  • Overcome resistance and drive adoption


UX Audit

Bespoke service.

Typically this enables you to take advantage of a detailed analysis outling current challenges, providing recommendation of approach to help transformational results.

Focus In On: Responsible for Digital Business Transformation

New Areas of Value:

Improved business agility and ability to rapidly respond to change and opportunity

Digital transformation that drives, moves and resets the organisation’s vision

Increased credibility, confidence and influence across the business

Effective delivery against financial targets

Direct positive impact on internal and external customer satisfaction

Driving a culture of innovation for easier and faster adoption of future digital trends

Successful, timely delivery of evidence-based digital transformational outcomes; beyond digitisation

Creating a culture of involvement, empowerment and connection to the business

Improvements around:

Lack of transformation, change and agility mindset in leadership

Conflict between perception and reality of digital skills, tools, methods and talent required and available