Scottish HIveMinders F2F in Glasgow

Glasgow, Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland

Scottish Hiveminders,

Just getting something in the diary for us for the 25th April – I hope that this works for you, it looks like the majority of people are comfortable attending this in Glasgow.

Any views on the agenda?

Standing agenda would be something like:

  • Networking


  • Update on actions from last F2F
  • Round table discussion (to cover who you are/how long you’ve been a HiveMinder, what have you been up to since our last meeting)
  • We could review both case studies provided by Lyndon to get the creative juices flowing and discuss the opportunities on the Hive Mind website
  • Round table discussion on what we want from the F2F, discussion around Invite potential clients/existing clients
  • AOB/Close


  • Networking


Does anyone have a preference on a location to host this?




Date(s) - 25/04/2019
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Timezone: Europe/London


Bookings are closed for this event.

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