Installing Mobile and Desktop Apps

Let’s get you connected to the HiveMind Chat and Messaging system using the app in a few simple steps!

For Mobile

  1. Download and install the app for Android or iOS
  2. Enter your email address when prompted, (the one used here on TheHive)
  3. On your mobile device, click the link which will be immediately emailed to you
  4. Enjoy :)

If you struggle to get logged in on your mobile device or if you don’t have your email available on your device, you can click the Authentication Link below from your mobile device and your device should be configured and you should get logged in automatically.

Sorry, there was a problem :(
Maybe you're not logged in as a HiveMind expert? Make sure that the chat system is loading on this page and then try this link again :)

For Desktop

  1. Download and install the app for Windows, macOS or Linux, (or all downloads and source git is here)
  2. When running, add the address
  3. When prompted, enter your login credentials, (the one used here on TheHive)
  4. Enjoy :)