Corona Edna

On Twitter, I got into a really interesting conversation with a scientist in Baton Rouge — who, it turns out — is not busted flat, but rather in need of solid #scicomm. As a biomedical engineer, she struggled to bring the core messaging from science to the public at large. Fast forward a few years, and she’s doing full-on #scicomm 9please visit, and comissioning people such as myself to do – well, cartooning! It was my first degree, and my first love.

So, say hello to Edna! What does your #WFH pyjama wardrobe look like?

Edna is going to star in a mini-series of cartoons that follow her experiences through the pandemic. In this initial panel, she’s just been told to “work from home”. I think that as many people, Edna relaxed right into that!

#coronavirus2020 is going to give Edna – and us all – the opportunity to completely restructure our priorities. For example, being freed from the insanity of the daily commute to windowless offices, constant noise, and fluorescent lights.

A new HiveMind group has been set up to deal with the shift to the home office (Being Well Remotely) – do check it out! You’ll find helpful information in there for both you and your clients. For example, are you missing water cooler talk? Set up a time to meet virtually with your colleagues to chit-chat for 15 minutes about #anythingexceptwork. #Mentalhealth is critical at this time of uncertainty.

Do reach out to me if I can be of assistance as a psychologist, coach and mentor — or as a cartoonist! Please let me know if you’d like to see more of Corona Edna in future blogs. 

Be well, stay healthy,

(P.S. Extra points if you can spot the corona virus in the cartoon!)