Scaling without cross-functional teams / Servant leadership un-neutered

Hot off the press from the Øredev conference (great work guys – the conference isn’t even finished yet), videos of my two talks.

Wednesday: Scaling without cross-functional teams. I’m grateful to track chair Martin Rosén-Lidholm not just for inviting me, but for suggesting this provocative title! It’s a brand new talk and I really enjoyed both writing and delivering it.

Scaling without cross-functional teams from Øredev Conference on Vimeo.

Thursday: Servant leadership un-neutered. I’ve given this talk several times this year, and I have to admit that early versions suffered from me trying to pack in too much material. I keep on editing  (I removed a slide between Hamburg on Tuesday and Malmö on Thursday) and it flows much better now.

Servant Leadership un-neutered from Øredev Conference on Vimeo.

Would you like to have either of these talks at your event? Get in touch!

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