Is it time to upgrade your warehouse management system? If yours meets the criteria on this list, the answer is likely “yes.”
You might need a new WMS if …
The one you’re currently using was deployed in the 1990s: Too many in the 3PL community are hanging on to legacy systems based on old and deprecated system architectures. Such WMS solutions significantly limit executive’ abilities to meet the increasing expectations of their customers and prospects; they’re simply not capable of keeping up with today’s demands.
The one you currently use was just purchased by another software company: There have been a number of acquisitions in the WMS space. Regardless of the “spin,” customers need a clear understanding as to what it means to them. Which executives and technical talent will remain? What is the impact to support and especially R&D? Will the software continue to be improved or is the acquiring company’s goal to migrate you to their platform?
You have significant business opportunities from customers: This is especially true for those companies involved in eCommerce who are focused on pick and pack operations and product returns. Even if your current WMS does not fall under the first two categories, this is the key driver for many executives.
There is a strategic and financial reason to do so: This depends on the business strategy. Is the company in a growth mode or seeking operational efficiencies and cost reduction? What technical assets exist today – hardware, software and staff – and how well are they meeting the current and future business goals? Is there a strong business case to invest in a new WMS and should it be premise-based, hosted or cloud-based?
The last decision didn’t go so well: When WMS projects fail, they cause significant pain to customers, employees and profits. This is no exaggeration and in the current business economy, making a bad decision might even be catastrophic. The key to success for executives seeking a new WMS is first understanding your unique business requirements and then going through a professional process of identifying and selecting the vendor best suited to meet them. It is not merely focusing on software functionality and pricing, it is about project implementation and ongoing support; managing change, internally and externally; on time, on budget and with great customer satisfaction.
Sound like you? At ATS, we help executives in manufacturing, distribution, healthcare, warehousing and logistics select and implement new technologies which increase profits, improve operational efficiency and maximize customer engagement. Contact us today to learn more.