Do you layer Vectors of Disruption into your products?

Do you layer Vectors of Disruption into your products?

I think it is interesting that it is easy to spot the companies that “get” disruption. They stand out because they layer disruptive elements into their offerings. In all sorts of areas.

We all know of Tesla – the upstart motor company that is doing so much that is against the established norms:

They have released their patents to everyone. All Our Patent Are Belong To You | Tesla Motors UK .

They have a different sales model Tesla is Turning the Car Sales Model on Its Head – Autotrader

Oh and they sell electric cars in the face of conventional wisdom.

A recent disruptive innovation was to upgrade their existing vehicles to include Autopilot capabilities. They did not need a recall to do this – they did it as moder app users would expect – as a digital download.

Very modern and disruptive to the competition.

But it is not immune to problems. There are a lot of videos out there of the autopilot features going wrong in practice.

What I like is the response. When problems were identified they updated the software using ANOTHER vector of disruption: Machine Learning.

Tesla’s “improved fleet learning” machine learning software uses tens of thousands of vehicles to gather as much information about their driving experience as possible. That information is then used to update the programming of the autopilot.

Vectors of Disruption is a concept that is useful in creating positive disruption by layering technology innovation (and customer behaviour changes caused by technology). Some people/companies do it instinctively. Learn how to do it.