There are currently over 1 billion smartphone users on the planet, and they are changing the shopping experience in powerful ways.
Global consumers are not merely just increasing their use of mobile telephones, they are doing so via smarter devices, whether they be smart phones, tablets or hybrid devices. According to recent research,Tapping Into Mobile eCommerce 2014, the projections for smartphone spending will more than double and tablet device spending will more than quadruple by 2017.
A tsunami of change is upon us, due to the ever-increasing pace of technological change and the fact that all of the information in the world is doubling faster and faster every year. It is my belief that we are reaching a tipping point and the large majority of companies throughout the supply chain industry are not ready to deal with it. Today’s customer journey can start in any one channel and proceed through multiple others, such as social media, email, and/or the phone. The term Amazon Effect is used to describe the impact of increasing customer expectations as to how and where they purchase, receive and return merchandise in the Age of The Customer.
In terms of retail, an effective Omnichannel strategy is about making sure customers can buy the products they want, regardless of where they choose to buy: in the store, via the web and more and more, in combination. If you missed the first session on the Retailer Revolution you can find out more information, watch the recording and register from the ATS web site
If you’re a manufacturing or supply chain executive, or someone with a stake in the retailing industry, Omnichannel is a paradigm shift for sales fulfillment: orders, shipments, payments and returns. I hope you will consider joining me with industry experts Nikki Baird, Bill Mirabito and the HiveMind Network, in the 2nd of our 3-part webinar series, Omnichannel: The Age of The Customer.