3 Ways To Turn Mediocre Customer Experiences Into Remarkable Ones

Customer experiences make or break businesses. If customers are served in bad or mediocre way, they won’t have any reasons to engage with that business again unless it’s convenient. However, those companies that are able to produce remarkable experiences, every time, are the ones who get the same clients coming back over and over again. Usually with their friends, too! Here are three key principles that you can apply to your own company to ensure remarkable customer experiences:


Principle #1: Be The Best Company You Can Be

Customer will notice if you don’t care about them. They will also notice if you could improve on some matters. Many times leaders are the last ones to realise that something is wrong, usually clients have know those things for a long time and some employees too. So, to be the best company you can be, there are several simple things that can be improved to make the company more exciting for clients.

You can be more welcoming. Make them feel like home. Also you can be genuine. There is no point in flattering, but genuine praises are always welcome. Have everyone in your business be involved with your clients. Make sure they are not just there, but they are also present. Good rule to remember is to be considerate; it will take you far when something goes wrong.

Think about all the things that your company needs to improve to be the best company you can be!

Principle 2#: Create Purposeful Customer Experiences

Remarkable customer experiences won’t happen by accident. They are created purposefully. This means that you need to understand the customer journey (from the customer’s perspective) as well as your internal workings on how the experiences are produced (that is the processes). When you align customer journeys to your business processes you will see how those customer experienced are produced in your company.

Map both customer journeys and internal processes and align them to each other!

Principle 3#: Delight Your Customers With Positive Surprises

When was the last time you received a positive surprise from someone that delighted you?

Customers will expect to receive the value you have promised them. And that’s all right. But what you need to do is to go beyond their expectations and to delight them with surprises that add value to their lives.

For example, when you take your car into service, you expect to get it back serviced. What could be some extra little thing you give to your customers to delight them? One for sure is to fix if you find something else wrong too and even better if that doesn’t occur extra costs to your client. Another example could be to return the car cleaned both outside and inside.

It is difficult to say what works for which customer in each situation. Therefore it is important that your employees have empathy on the customers and they are empowered to take action when appropriate. Those surprises need to come from the heart.

Think about situations where you could delight your customers in a genuine way!


There are three key principles in turning mediocre customer experiences into remarkable ones. First principle is Be The Best Company You Can Be. That means to find those areas where your business can be aligned to customers even better. Principle 2 is to Create Purposeful Customer Experiences, which means that remarkable customer experiences are created, bot made by accident. The third principle is to Delight Your Customers With Positive Surprises. That is to give something extra that turns ordinary into extra ordinary.

What will do today to create remarkable customer experiences in your company?